The Granny: A Blood Relative 1995

Granny's family wants her dead so they can collect her insurance. While she is on her death bed, she drinks an eternal life potion and returns to the land of the living. She is on a mission to wreak havoc over her greedy relatives.

Tous les titres
  • US: The Granny The Granny
  • CA: La mémé La mémé
  • DE: Evil Date - Verabredung mit dem Teufel Evil Date - Verabredung mit dem Teufel
  • IT: Eredi di sangue Eredi di sangue
  • RU: Бабуля Бабуля
  • ES: Hermanos de sangre Hermanos de sangre
  • UA: The Matriarch The Matriarch
  • US: The Granny The Granny
Date de sortie 23 May 1995
Lien IMDb
